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What is a REALTOR®

 A Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice...

REALTORS® are licensed real estate agent members of National Association of Realtors (NAR).

 As part of The National Association of Realtors (NAR) Code of Ethics, members are expected to adhere to a strict code of conduct and high standards of conduct which serves the best interests of the following: Duties of the Clients and Customers, Duties to the Public, and Duties to other REALTORS®. 

REALTORS® must successfully complete periodic required trainings and examinations to hold the title. 

"REALTORS® pledge to uphold integrity, honesty, and client interests through the NAR Code of Ethic." (NAR website)

Let's Search Contact Me

Need an Agent to Decrease the Transaction Hassle? 

Here's What You Need to Know.

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Thinking about Touring a Home...

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What Sellers Can Expect

"The practice changes empower consumers with additional choice and transparency when selling a home." (NAR, 2024, NAR Settlement Faqs)

What Buyers Can Expect

"NAR’s recent settlement has led to several changes that benefit homebuyers, and we wanted to clearly lay them out for you." (NAR, 2024, NAR Settlement Faqs)

Are You a First Time Buyer? Let's Dive In...

As a first time buyer, you will be faced with many details that will either ease or complicate your home journey.  

Taking a few minutes to become knowledgable will inevitably help you focus your goals and strengthen the steps you decide to take while making one of the biggest financial decisions regarding your future.

As your Realtor, I will take the stress-edge off and help position you for success!  

Remember, I am here to help!

Typical Stages After Signing a Purchase Agreement

Congrats, you have found the perfect home and have signed a purchase agreement. 

Now what?  Let's take a look at typical phases leading up to settlement.

Remember, no cause for stress - I am here to help!

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